Friday, January 21, 2011

its been months

Beberapa bulan telah berlalu sejak post terakhir di blog ini.

Mengapa saya tidak update setelah sekian lama?

Mungkin masih berteleku, bersedih mengenangkan kesilapan yang telah mengakibatkan kekecewaan berganda.

Tapi, masa untuk buka mata, pandang ke hadapan.

Masa untuk melangkah, setapak demi setapak.

Bukan ke Neraka dunia tapi Syurga manusia.

Ini post saya yang pertama untuk tahun 2011.

Dan saya menyeru umat manusia yang sudi meluangkan masa membaca post ini,

Untuk bangun, menguap, meneguk air bersih dari botol mineral, senyum.

Banyak sudah yang terjadi dalam dunia ini.

With the rising tension between the Koreans,

the continuous leaking of conspiracies from our dearest Wikileaks,

Sudan with their referendum,

the PRK in Malaysia reaching the highest number since 2008 PRU,

And the world wont care if one of us falls doing what we're doing.

That's the bitter truth.

And suddenly, I'm at Universiti Teknologi Mara, studying law.

Praise be To Allah, my Great Saviour..

I love u..

So, words of advice to those who think that they are the biggest failures in the world.

No one gives a damn.

Its up to u to make ur life a happy one.

Not Obama, Not Najib, Not Anwar, Not teachers, Not even friends.

Its u.

So, I am ready to post again. Maybe with a hint of keinsafan, but maybe I'll take a stand this time.

less of a neutral that i am.



Hfz A. said...

good luck kawan.
apa kes entri ni smart haram?


kash berimbun said...

Hfz A.: I dunno about this entry being smart haram. but thanx anyway :) gud luck me fren